Our Commitments
Our commitments are fundamental to how we operate as a business and ensure we continually drive forward in a way that is beneficial for us, our people, our clients and our wider world.
Health & Safety
As we spend our time in the potentially dangerous environment of construction sites or managing a building’s core services, health and safety has to be first and foremost.
We already operate to the highest possible safety standards, we have an excellent health & safety record and consistently receive recognition for this from our customers.
As a key business focus, we work tirelessly to raise the profile of health and safety among each individual at KeyIS, and further embed it within our culture, through our continued personal development of our employees.

Making a positive contribution to the communities around the area where we work has always been a core part of our business.
Our community engagement activities range from promoting local employment and procurement to improving skills and training for site operatives, providing learning and employability opportunities for apprentices and students.
In addition, we firmly believe in giving back where we can. We partner with CAFT and Brainwave as our nominated charities to help raise awareness and provide financial contributions by having set dates for charitable events. We encourage all of our employees to participate in these events and contribute 50% toward any monies raised by each employee for any charity they wish to raise for. To further encourage this ethos we provide each employee one day a year with full pay to participate in such events.
We firmly believe that only by giving back and supporting the communities around us that can we all move forward together to a more positive future.

The detrimental effects of global warming and climate change on our environment are increasingly evident, and it is the corporate responsibility of every business to take what steps it can to minimise its own impact. KeyIS firmly encourages a culture of environmental best practice and performance in all its operations through its environmental policy. The company is committed to ensuring that its activities do not produce adverse environmental impacts. The SHEQ team regularly audits all projects to ensure that they are compliant with company policy and expectations in this regard.
As the built environment is responsible for 40 per cent of UK’s emissions, climate change clearly has major implications for our business. While our industry is not singularly responsible for this impact, we have a moral obligation to take action.

Here at KeyIS, we firmly believe that people are our biggest asset. The skills, passion and dedication our employees have is essential to delivering the highest possible levels of service and quality to our client partners. We are therefore committed to recruiting the very best people we can find, offering them continuous training and career development opportunities and ensuring their well-being at all times.

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