Mechanical Services

Our Mechanical Services team bring expertise, experience, knowledge, know-how and passion to provide innovative and sustainable solutions, including design, co-ordination, commissioning and setting to work.

BAE Building 430

This project was to extend BAE Systems’ existing manufacturing capability. It also incorporated a new access road to link the south side of the Samlesbury site in Lancashire from east to west and refurbishment work within the existing building.

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Turners Soham Ltd

Turners Soham Ltd operate a refrigerated distribution centre at their headquarters in Newmarket. The site is separated into two separate cold stores, the old building to the east, and the new building to the west. Turners intend to extend the new cold store to incorporate additional sub-zero cold storage as well as additional blast freezing facilities.

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Viridor required the installation of new conveyors, shredder, hoppers, and a baler on to an existing glass recycling line to enable recycling of aluminium bottle tops. They also required the installation of a new emergency stop system via a Pilz relay to be integrated into the existing emergency stop system and the design, manufacture, and install of a bespoke control system, via a PLC programmer.

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Project Alpha Bravo – Siemens, Hull

Project Alpha Bravo is part of an overall £160 million pound investment by Siemens in wind turbine production and installation facilities in Hull. Making the world’s largest blade in commercial operation at 75 metres in length and weighing 25 tonnes each, the team at KeyIS were appointed mechanical services contractor for the 12,300m2 service and logistics facility.

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INEOS, a British multi-national chemicals company had a requirement to expand their hand sanitiser division in response to the recent COVID19 world pandemic. With the assistance of KeyIS, the site was set up in ten days to produce hand sanitiser to World Health Organisation (WHO) standards.

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AMEY, Milton Keynes

AMEY required various electrical installations carrying out including LV panel extension in the main switch room and ATT Building to accommodate new MCCBs, installation of various submains to several locations and 110V&415V maintenance sockets in the ATT Building for use by the site engineers.

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ABLE UK, Immingham

The project was built as part of Able Humber Port (AHP), which in recent years has been the UK’s fastest growing port and logistics centre. The large building – 175m long and 38m wide – features a huge workshop with inspection, wash, paint, and repair bays, as well as stores and staff welfare areas.

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