Eurofins Forensic Services Laboratories
Eurofins Forensic Services laboratories are amongst the most advanced analytical facilities in Europe, enabling the company to offer a complete and comprehensive range of independent and innovative forensic testing solutions to police forces, legal and criminal justice organisations throughout the UK and Europe. The customer had a requirement for a brand new laboratory facility specifically used for Police forensic DNA & toxicology testing purposes.
Project Objectives
The focus for the client was the provision of a new 5,500 m2 turn-key laboratory facility to meet the specific requirements of the Metropolitan Police.
The project was the largest laboratory ever delivered by KeyIS & featured the very latest testing equipment. The team at KeyIS had to understand the specific requirements of the client and their equipment in order to deliver the services they required.
KeyIS in house delivery team provided a suite of services to meet the clients requirements including: Variable Air Volume extract systems to serve the fume cupboard installation, large medical gases installation, 4-pipe fan coil system to provide close control of temperatures to all laboratory areas, supplementary VRV systems for ancillary areas.
The Results
The project was successfully delivered to the client and was deemed a very successful project. Given the scale of the project KeyIS are very proud to have been involved with this scheme.